COVID Guidelines
Pinewoods Camp, Inc
COVID Guidelines for Campers
Updated 1.16.25
Here are the updated COVID guidelines for attending Pinewoods Camp for the 2025 season. We reserve the right to make changes to this policy in response to potential changes in COVID conditions. Program Providers may choose to apply their own additional guidelines that may be stricter than what we outline here, and, if so, we will support their decisions. But at a minimum, to attend Camp, we require the following:
COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters are not required. However, we do encourage all eligible campers to get the most recent vaccine/booster.
- Campers are required to bring a minimum of 4 rapid antigen tests per person for sessions lasting 4+ days, and 3 tests for sessions lasting 3 days or less. Please note that this minimum amount includes extra tests in the event of the need for additional testing.
- Campers and staff staying 4 days (3 nights) or longer will take a COVID test (rapid antigen or NAAT: 1) upon arrival at camp, 2) 24 hours after arriving at camp, and 3) 48 hours after arriving at camp.
- For sessions 3 days (2 nights) or less, campers will test twice: 1) upon arrival at camp, and 2) 24 hours after arriving at camp.
- We strongly encourage testing prior to departing for camp, especially for those traveling long distances.
- Masks are optional, however they are strongly encouraged for the first 24 hours of each session. In this community, masks are welcome for as long as an individual wants or needs to wear them.
- Please bring a supply of high-filtration masks (N-95, KN-95, etc) in case COVID conditions change and wearing masks is required.
- If a camper/campers test positive for COVID, campers, PP staff, and crew may be required to wear high-filtration masks.
- Campers may be asked by PCI to wear high-filtration masks whenever engaging in any camper jobs in the kitchen or dining hall at PCI’s discretion.
- By attending Camp, campers and program providers agree to the points on the PCI Attestation. Anyone not able to say “yes” to each point should have a conversation with their Program Provider.
- In the week prior to arriving at Pinewoods, we strongly encourage incoming campers and Program Provider staff to exercise caution by wearing high-filtration masks in indoor public areas (grocery stores, movie theaters, concerts, public transportation, dances, etc).
We look forward to dancing, singing, and enjoying music with you this season.
Pinewoods Camp, Inc. Board of Directors