Local Links We Like
For additional information about Pinewoods environment, the Long Pond area, and ways people may enjoy nature and help preserve and protect it, look into the organizations below.
- The Six Ponds Improvement Association is the most active local group advocating for environmental issues related to Long Pond, Makepeace, etc. Their site has many links to other good sites.
- The Wildlands Trust manages many acres of conservation land adjacent to Pinewoods. They are active in negotiations related to the future of the 10,000-acre Makepeace property.
- The Nature Conservancy holds and protects a number of properties in the greater Plymouth region, including Halfway Pond Island.
- The Coalition for Buzzards Bay has good information about education programs and links to area land trusts and similar organizations.
- Myles Standish State Park is nearby and has several hiking trails. Their website has a useful trail map.