116 Pleasant Street, suite 334
Easthampton, MA 01027-2759
Phone: (413) 203-5467
Website: http://www.cdss.org
CDSS is an organization dedicated to spreading the joy of dancing, singing, and making music together. For over a century, we’ve provided training and learning opportunities for participants, musicians, and leaders alike. Today CDSS’s mission is to connect and support people in building and sustaining vibrant communities through participatory dance, music, and song. We steward the living traditions of English country dance, contra and square dance, morris and sword dance, and the music that is an integral part of these traditions.

P.O.Box 3055
Acton, MA 01720
Phone: (781) 591-2372
Website: http://www.cds-boston.org
Since 1915, the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre has been working to preserve and promote the knowledge and practice of the traditional and contemporary dancing and dance music of England and New England. The Boston Centre sponsors and produces classes, parties, workshops, and residential and special events featuring the best performers and practitioners of English and New England country dancing. Events are open to all, and most feature teaching; no experience or partner is required.

"Participating in world dance and music traditions"
10 Franklin Street
Stoneham, MA 02180-1862
Phone: (781) 438-4387
Events: (781) 438-4389
Website: http://www.facone.org
The Folk Arts Center of New England, celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2020, is dedicated to promoting participation in the traditional folk arts of world cultures. The Folk Arts Center produces over 120 dance and music events each year, including sessions at Pinewoods of: international dance and music, Hungarian dancing, and (co-sponsored with CDS-BC) the Labor Day Weekend of English, American, and International dancing and music.

444 W 54th Street #7
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (646) 628-4604
Phone: (917) 922-5404
Website: http://www.folkmusicny.org
The Folk Music Society of New York, Inc. aka the New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club, runs concerts, weekends, workshops, singing parties, get-togethers, and TradMaD Camp, all with an emphasis on traditional folk music of all flavors. The group started as “The Pinewoods Folk Music Club” in 1965, a name by which we are still widely known. Our mission is to present the finest traditional music by source artists and modern performers steeped in the tradition, and community music-making open to all with an interest in the old songs and tunes.
Website: https://www.lcfd.org

10 Franklin Street
Stoneham, MA 02180-1862
Website: http://www.rscdsboston.org
The Boston Branch is the oldest branch of the Royal Scottish Country
Dance Society outside the UK. Since 1950, it has been promoting
Scottish Country Dancing – a social dance tradition that combines the
energy and enthusiasm of lowland Scots folkdancing with the elegance
and precision of balletic footwork – as well as highland and step dance
and traditional Scottish music. The branch has been hosting sessions
at Pinewoods Camp since 1953, featuring dance and music classes for
all levels, splendid evening dances, and a roving bagpiper alarm

Website: http://www.sierraclub.org
Sierra Club is an environmental organization, founded in 1892, which promotes green policies for the protection of nature and organizes outdoor recreation activities. Its mission is : “To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.”