2021 Summer Season Update
March 10, 2021
The PCI Board of Directors held its spring meeting on Sunday, March 7th. Chief among our concerns, of course, is making plans for the 2021 summer season. Every week there is more good news about the rate and efficacy of vaccinations. However, there are still local, state, and federal mandates that would greatly curtail possible activities if camp were to open today. The Board has decided to move forward on hiring a crew for the summer so that Camp can support and maintain its devoted community of workers, complete much-needed maintenance on the camp facilities, and be prepared to open camp July 1st if we can. We hope to make a final decision in mid-April about what sort of programs and how many attendees Camp can safely host. The Board is in close contact with all of our program providers.

Round Pond from the Pinecones porch. Photo by Natty Smith, April 13, 2018.