Greenwood Fest
January 19, 2016
Greenwood Fest 2016 brings some of the world’s best greenwoodworkers together for two and a half days of demonstrations and workshops, with plenty of unstructured learning time. Sessions include ash basket-making, steam-bending, riving, hewing, clog-making, bowl-making (turned and hewn), joinery, and carving (including lots and lots of spoon-carving).
Special visiting Greenwood instructors include, from Sweden, Jögge Sundqvist and Beth Moen; from England, JoJo Wood and Owen Thomas; April Stone Dahl of the Lake Superior Chippewa/Ojibwe and her husband Jarrod Stone Dahl, also of Wisconsin; David Fisher from Pennsylvania and Tim Manney from Maine. Among Plymouth CRAFT’s core instructors will be Peter Follansbee, Pret Woodburn, Rick McKee, and Paula Marcoux.
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