Folk Arts Center of New England Weekend and FolkDays
January 8, 2020

Photo by Ira Gessel.
Participation in international folk dancing and music making is an exhilarating opportunity to increase awareness and appreciation of other cultures and their traditions. This year’s internationally-renowned staff will include teachers leading daily dance classes in Romanian and Scandinavian dancing, bolstered by live music by two bands consisting of an amazing array of musicians.
In addition to daily dance classes geared to all campers, the sessions offer a daily “party prep” class that covers classic international folk dances, evening parties, advanced dance classes, “Culture Corners”, singing, drumming, and instrumental workshops, and late night after-parties. There is also time for swimming, boating, and the simple pleasure of being at Pinewoods!
The Weekend Session (June 25-29) is geared toward adults; the FolkDays Session (June 29 – July 2) adds children’s classes and activities. But if you simply cannot choose – stay for Both Sessions!
Weekend Session: June 25-29 (Thursday afternoon through Monday breakfast)
FolkDays Session: June 29 – July 2 (Monday afternoon through Thursday breakfast)
Both Sessions: June 25 – July 2 (Thursday afternoon through Thursday breakfast)
Contact: Marcie Van Cleave, 781-438-4387,